Industrial Committee

The Industrial Committee is a unit for coordinating the work of the university with industry, start-ups of students and teachers, as well as innovative enterprises.


  • creation of conditions for the continuity and continuity of education, the integrity and consistency of the process of formation of general (key), profile (meta-subject), subject competences in students, the acquisition of operational experience, which are the basis of the professional competence of a future specialist;
  • the introduction of practice-oriented learning technologies that contribute to the formation of personality traits that are significant for future professional activity in students, as well as knowledge, skills and experience, ensuring the readiness and ability to continue education in the training profile;
  • implementation of the relationship between academic science and industry in the region;
  • inclusion in additional general developmental programs of propaedeutic courses, vocational guidance training sessions with the aim of immersion in a professional environment, correlating one's idea of the profession with the requirements of employers, motivation for acquiring the basics of professional competence in the learning process;
  • involving students in innovative forms of quasi-professional activity in order to solve real scientific-practical and experimental-production work in accordance with the profile of training.