

This rule on the appeal of the final exams has been developed in accordance with the Rules for organizing the educational process on credit technology of teaching (order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2011 No. 152); Standard rules for ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate and final certification (order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 No. 125, with amendments and additions dated April 25, 2011) in order to organize an appeal procedure based on the results of passing the intermediate certification exams.

1.1.   A student studying at NJSC "Atyrau Oil and Gas University` (hereinafter referred to as the University) does not agree with the result of the final control, submits an appeal no later than the next working day after the exam.

1.2.   For the period of the examination session, by order of the university rector, an appeal commission is created under the chairmanship of the vice-rector for academic affairs, consisting of: the head of the educational and methodological work department, the head of the registrar's office, the head of the information technology and knowledge control department and the deans of the faculties and the secretary of the educational and methodological work department.

Chairman of the Appeals Board: Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.

Deputy Chairman: Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Work (hereinafter - EMW).

Members of the Appeal Commission: Head of the Department of Information Technology and Knowledge Control (hereinafter referred to as OITandKC), Head of the Registrar's Office (hereinafter referred to as RO), deans of faculties. Heads of departments and authors of test assignments are involved in the work of the appeal commission, if necessary.

1.3.   The Appeals Commission accepts and considers the application from students, makes a proposal to add points on the content of the student's test assignments and informs the student about the results of the appeal.

1.4.   In its work, the appeal commission is guided by the Rule on the organization of the educational process on credit technology of education at AOGU, the Rules for the current monitoring of progress and intermediate attestation of students at AOGU, the Rule on testing technology for the final exams of students at AOGU, these Instructions.

1.5.   The appeal procedure includes the following steps:

  • acceptance of applications from students indicating the subject and composition of the appeal (according to the content of test tasks, for technical reasons, etc.);
  • printout of the necessary supporting documents for the appeal commission at OITandKC;
  • meeting of the appeal commission;
  • making a decision on the appeal;
  • printing of the minutes of the appeal commission.

1.6.   During its work, the appeal commission uses the following documents:

  • student's application for appeal written in his own hand, according to the approved form (Appendix 2);
  • questionnaire card for analyzing student answers and questions;
  • examination sheet on this subject, if necessary;
  • conclusion of the department on the content of test items (if necessary).


2. Procedure for making an appeal


2.1.   Students who disagree with the test results submit an application for appeal, written in their own hand written to the Chairman of the Appeal Commission no later than 18:00 the next day after the exam. The application is accepted by the secretary of the appeal commission if there are confirming visas of the dean of the faculty and the head of the OITandKC.

2.2.   The application must clearly state the subject of the appeal, indicating the reasons why the student does not agree with the result of the exam.

2.3.   If there is disagreement about the content of the test items, the student must clearly indicate the question and / or answer that is the reason for the appeal.

2.4.   An appeal on the content of a test task is considered in the following cases:

2.5.   incorrect test task (indicating a specific question and / or answers);

  • incorrect test task (indicating a specific question and / or answers);
  • there is no right answer;
  • the task has several correct answers.

In this case, the appeal commission has the right to involve the authors of test assignments and the heads of the relevant departments for consideration of the application. The opinion from the departments is provided in writing addressed to the Chairman of the Appeals Commission.

2.6.   If there are disagreements for technical reasons, the student must clearly indicate the specific reason for the technical inconsistencies, indicate the audience or the number of the personal computer for which the testing was carried out and receive confirmation from the attendant in the audience at the time of the exam or the operator of the computer class in which the exam was held.

2.7.   An appeal for technical reasons is considered in the following cases:

  • incorrect operation of computer equipment or software environment;
  • absence of a fragment or text in test items;
  • the circle in the form is not clearly filled;
  • interruption in power supply and other force majeure circumstances.

2.8.   In the absence of clear wording of the subject of the appeal, failure to comply with the timeframe for filing an application for an appeal, failure to comply with the application form, the appeal commission removes this application from consideration.

2.9.   The decision of the appeal commission is made only on the subject of the appeal specified in the application, that is, on the assignment that the student has submitted to the appeal. Decisions on tasks not submitted to students for appeal are not accepted.

2.10. During the appeal procedures, the appeal commission is not entitled to change the subject and composition of the appeal.

2.11. The decision of the appeal commission is formalized by the minutes of the meetings signed by the Chairman and all members of the appeal commission, approved by the order of the rector of the institute.

2.12. The minutes of the appeal commission are drawn up and kept in OITandKC. An extract from the minutes of the meeting of the appeal commission must be provided to the registrar office, to all other interested parties upon request.

2.13. The registrar's office, based on the decision of the appeal commission, draws up an individual examination sheet for the student, which is attached to the main examination sheet along with an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the appeal commission.

2.14. Recording the decision of the appeal commission is also carried out by the specialists of the registrar's office in the database of the educational history of students of the educational portal of the university.

Appendix 1


To the chairman of the appeal commission,

from a student of the ___ course of the faculty "________"

full-time education / evening / part-time,

specialty "____________________",

Kazakh / Russian branch, group _____,

Last name First name (in full),

contact number ___________________.





I ask you to revise the results of the exam in the discipline "_______________", passed by me (the date of the exam is indicated) in the classroom No. _______ (if computer testing is indicated by the PC number) in connection with:

(further in the application the subject of the appeal is set out in accordance with the instructions for the appeal to AOGU).


Signature, date.



Required visas:

  1. Dean of the Faculty
  2. Head of OITandKC